Creator Calculators & Tools

Browse through our collection of free tools to help you grow your creator business.

Revenue Split Calculator

Calculate the revenue split between the you and the platform after fees.

Break Even Price Calculator

Calculate the minimum selling price to break even after fees.

Gumroad Fee Calculator

Calculate the Gumroad fee and net payout after fees.

Product Pricing Calculator

Calculate the recommended product price based on the product type, audience size, and desired earnings.

Profit Margin Calculator

Calculate the profit margin based on the product price, production costs, and desired profit margin.

Subscription Revenue Calculator

Calculate the monthly and annual revenue based on the subscription price, platform fee, and payment processor fee.

Sales Tax Calculator

Calculate the sales tax based on the product price, customer location, and tax rate.

Refund Impact Calculator

Calculate the impact of refunds on your earnings based on the refund percentage, platform fee, and product price.

Content ROI Calculator

Calculate the ROI based on the time spent, cost of production, and earnings.

Audience Growth Calculator

Calculate the audience growth based on the current audience size, growth rate, and time period.

Discount Impact Calculator

Calculate the impact of offering discounts on your overall revenue.

Affiliate Earnings Calculator

Calculate the affiliate earnings based on the affiliate commission, product price, and sales volume.

Stripe Fee Calculator

Calculate the Stripe fee and net payout after fees.